Sunday 9 December 2012

I know one thing that i will have to do later on and that is to do some research into the chemicals used to get the carpets clean after they have been stained, although some companies dont use chemicals - they boast that is is done with "green" methods, so i dont know exactly what is involved with this, wether it is 100% completely true or not i dont know, i know that most companies that do carpet cleaning use safe chemicals - because the ones that did my carpet told me so, so it must be true, and mine came out perfectly clean, (i was very pleased with the result) so this research may take a while, but i will make a list of all the chemicals used in carpet cleaning - and list exactly what they do.
I decided to start a carpet cleaning website after an incident that happened a few years ago, i wanted to do it for a while, but just never got round to it. What happened was that i had quite a minor accident and my carpet got stained, i did'nt know it at the time but the stain was permanent, i have had problems with carpets before, but just bought some carpet cleaner from the local supermarket - and within about five or ten minutes the carpet was clean as new, but this time was different, this time the stain just would not come out, and that was after trying a few times.
    So what did i do ? - well i phoned up a local carpet cleaning company and asked them to come round to give me a quote, within half an hour they had given me a quote, and it was'nt cheap, but it was a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a new carpet, so i did'nt have much option really, and they also gave me a guarantee as well, so i had peace of mind about spending the money as i knew i was getting a quality job done, although i wish the accident had never happened in the first place, as i had quite a few other things i would rather spend the money on. But thats why i am starting this - because you dont have to buy  a new carpet if you have an accident or get a stain on it - you can get a professional carpet cleaner in and do a professional job (sometimes with a guarantee) and that same carpet can last for years to come. Thats my opinion anyway and thats what i found from my own experience.